by lindsaycoats | Feb 19, 2020 | Blog
IGNORING THE TRENDS: WHY YOU SHOULD GO YOUR OWN WAY WHEN DESIGNING YOUR LOGO The world is full of TRENDS. Fashion, music, finance, interior design (shiplap anyone?), political topics – we can’t get away from them. Even Pantone releases a Color of the Year. Trends can...
by lindsaycoats | Feb 19, 2020 | Blog
5 WAYS TO UP YOUR STORIES GAME ON INSTA AND FACEBOOK The visual landscape is swallowing the written word at an increasing rate and social media is following suit. The use of video and moving pictures has grown exponentially over just the last few years and the...
by lindsaycoats | Jan 15, 2020 | Blog
Right in your own backyard – breaking down local SEO As a business owner, you may have heard the phrase “local SEO” and wondered what is it and do I need it?? Let’s break it down… WHAT IS LOCAL SEO? Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of...
by lindsaycoats | Oct 30, 2019 | Blog
Become a Facebook Group Groupie Everyone’s on Facebook and hopefully you are too. But, are you really getting involved? Like cheerleader in high school involved?? If you’re not engaging with potential customers via groups on Facebook, you might be missing out on some...
by lindsaycoats | Oct 14, 2019 | Blog
MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE As LinkedIn becomes more of a reliable source for finding influencers, prospects and partners, making the most of your LinkedIn profile is more important than ever. There are a few key areas to look at on your profile to make...