Why Online Reviews Should Be a Part of Your Business Strategy
Online reviews play a significant role in shaping your business and should be a part of everyone’s business strategy. They develop your brand, attract new customers, and drive more revenue. If you own a small business, it’s time to embrace those online review sites and use them to your advantage.
Top 10 Social Trends to Take You Into the New Year
Social media is still one of the top things that people spend a good part of their day on. Simply put, you need to be there! You need to be active and you need to be relevant. Competition is FIERCE and you need to stand out! Take a look at these trends we’re seeing and apply them to your social strategy.
Do I Need to Redesign My Website?
If you are asking yourself this question, most likely the answer is YES! But if you are still wondering, here are some signs your website might need a facelift!
The Power of Social Media Stories
Social media stories represent a new and exciting way to present content, run marketing campaigns and interact with followers. Whether you’re a small business, a start-up or an established brand, stories are the best way to reach customers with quick bits of content and be a part of your marketing strategy.
Get (Or Keep!) Your Business Idea in Check
There’s an easy way to get yourself organized when offering a new product or service line. Download our Business Model Canvas template and get a grip on your ideas today!
Image Format Matters – The Ultimate Breakdown of What File to Use When
In a world of JPEG, PDF, PNG, EPS and GIF (wait… is it GIF or JIF?), things can be super confusing! Let me try to explain them all and hopefully next time someone is asking you for a certain file format, you’ll be able to respond with “No problem – Here you go!”
5 Strategies to Increase Facebook Engagement
Creating engagement is central to successful Facebook marketing. We have outlined 5 useful strategies to create Facebook posts that generate meaningful interactions and improve organic news feed visibility.
Tips to Diversify Your Social Media Efforts
Every business – from small local shops to multinational companies – needs a strong social media presence. In this day and age, not having a social media presence is equivalent to not having a website.
Google Ads – How Remarketing and Keywords Work Together
If you’re looking to gain strong search visibility beyond what your organic efforts can produce, Google Ads are a great way to target specific audiences and get a leg up on the competition.
Why Community Involvement Should Be Included In Your Business Strategy
Every entrepreneur spends so much time building their company and creating a brand that sometimes they can forget how much a community can play a huge role in the company’s success. By acknowledging that it takes a village, you can give back to your community and still continue to reap benefits for your organization.
Vital Elements Of a User Friendly Website
What do you think of when you envision a good website design? Is it creative with tons of style or are you a minimalist that only cares about the function? A good designer will argue that BOTH are important!
SEO: 5 Tips to Improve Your Search Ranking
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful strategy to ensure that your brand gets noticed by the right user at the right time. For beginners, the world of SEO can seem scary but understanding the basics can be easy. Even a small amount of SEO knowledge can make a BIG difference.
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